Full Body Holistic Massage:
- Induces physical and mental relaxation
Hot Oil Aroma Massage
- Perfect when extra pampering is needed.
Deep Tissue Massage:
- Treats chronic aches and pains
Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy:
- Treats chronic pain, stress and tension
Manual Lymphatic Drainage:
- Provides removal of toxins and natural detox
Hot Stone Massage:
- Improves circulation, digestion and sleep
Hot Bamboo Massage:
- Stretches, warms and elongates tight muscles
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage:
- Targets bloating and water retention to produce immediate visual results
Brazilian Body Sculpting & Wood Therapy:
- Breaks down compact fat pockets & hard cellulite
Anti-Cellulite Honey Massage:
- Boosts circulation, tonifies and tightens loose skin
Lipo Cavitation & RF:
- Breaks down unwanted fat, lifts & tightens the skin
Full Body Holistic Massage
Full Body Holistic Massage differs from other types of massage as by definition, it treats a person as a whole, taking into consideration their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, helping the body to restore itself to a balanced state.
What to Expect During Full Body Holistic Massage
Each massage is individually tailored to how you are at that particular time.
The massage includes a range of different touch techniques, which can vary from deeper tissue release to others which are deeply relaxing. This will produce a sense of connectedness.
You will feel that the massage is working "with you", rather than having it done "to you".
Holistic massage notices the sensitivities, stresses and strains that your body undergoes on a daily basis through a two-way verbal and touch conversation.
Benefits of Full Body Holistic Massage
Holistic Massage may be found to bring relief from everyday aches, reduce stress and induce physical and mental relaxation. It helps trigger the release of the endorphins (the body's feel good hormones) and gives a wonderfully relaxed sense of contentment.
Holistic Massage is a fantastic support for general health and well-being, and regular sessions can greatly lower stress levels and its associated symptoms (anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, etc.).
Hot Oil Aroma Massage
If you feel like today you are in need of a bit of extra pampering, then Hot Oil Aroma Massage might be the best option for you.
Hot Oil Aroma Massage is a powerful therapeutic treatment which combines all the benefits of Full Body Holistic Massage with added healing effects of heated pre-blended aromatherapy oils.
An expertly blended infusion of pure essential oils and rich carrier oils assists the mind and body in its natural healing abilities and leaves the skin soft and silky.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.
Indications For Deep Tissue Massage
It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas such as stiff neck and upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, and sore shoulders.
How Deep Tissue Massage Works
Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower, and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain in order to reach the sub-layer of muscles and the fascia (the connective tissue surrounding muscles). When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.
Deep Tissue Massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist uses massage oil and often uses direct deep pressure. Muscles must be relaxed in order for the therapist to reach the deeper musculature.
How Deep Tissue Massage Feels
At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain. It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you experience is outside your comfort range. There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so.
Healing Back Massage
Oftentimes it is the back absorbing most of the stresses that we encounter on a daily basis and becoming a problem spot for most people. If you need a treatment focused just on your back, then Healing Back Massage can help untangle the assorted stress knots that have developed.
What To Expect During Healing Back Massage
The entire back, neck and shoulders will be thoroughly worked on using slow, firm and deliberate massage strokes along with utilising other holistic modalities that include aromatherapy, hot stones, cupping, and a hot towel treatment in the end.
Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy
Neuromuscular Cupping Therapy (NCT) is a dynamic treatment that combines a modern adaptation of ancient Cupping Therapy with Remedial Massage techniques.
Chronic pain, stress and tension don’t stand a chance with this unique blend of Cupping & Massage Therapy!
This type of bodywork can also be classified as trauma release touch therapy.
How NCT Works
It's important to understand that chronic pain is often tied to Trigger Points which are essentially contracted muscle fibres that cannot relax due to factors like poor circulation, chronic inflammation or, old injuries.
These Trigger Points cause even more tension within the muscle. Because of the tension, circulation in the area becomes inhibited. Metabolic waste gets stuck in these areas and irritates the muscles' nerves.
These irritated nerves can send pain signals within the local muscle tissue or far away, making pain confusing and convincingly severe in seemingly unrelated areas.
NCT can effectively target these Trigger Points and fascial restrictions, providing long lasting relief.
Cupping creates a sensation that the brain finds difficult to understand. Instead, the brain eventually ignores it, overriding that pain signal and allowing the area to "re-wire" itself.
Besides distracting, cupping also decompresses myofascia and pulls stuck metabolic waste away from the triggered nerves, flushing the area with nutrient-rich blood, and facilitating easy elimination of the waste by the body.
Cupping stimulates stagnant blood flow and lymphatic fluid in soft tissues making your muscles and fascia more responsive to neuromuscular manipulations.
Neuromuscular techniques are performed after cups are placed on affected muscle areas.
The techniques include gliding cupping, trigger point therapy, muscle energy techniques, and other massage techniques to reprogram the body’s fight or flight response to pain, stress and tension.
The techniques performed, connect the muscles to the nerves allowing the body to re-wire pain/stress/tension loops that keep your body stuck and finally to let go of its habitual holding patterns.
In this moment, we have the opportunity to flood the nervous system with good sensations, run it through activation techniques to prove to it that it can indeed move without pain, and re-estimate it's perception of the whole area.
Benefits Of NCT
Reduced levels of stress, tension and anxiety
Postural pain becomes non-existent!
Avoidance of scheduled surgery – yes, seriously!
Faster recovery from surgery
Increased flexibility and mobility
Getting back into athletic activities you thought were over!
Resolved stagnancies and blockages, both physical and emotional
Removal of toxins and natural detox
Have It Your Way
Depending on the length of your session, bodywork can either be focused on one or several areas where you may be experiencing pain. Or the time can be used for a relaxing full body gliding cupping massage without any focused work.
Please note, cupping marks may and most likely will occur
Frequency & Duration
A course of 4-6 sessions is recommended to achieve sustainable results.
You can choose the length of your session - 60, 90 or 120 min.
Contraindications for NCT
Liver or kidney disease, risk of heart attack or stroke, blood-clotting disorders, prescription of strong blood thinners, broken bones, torn ligaments or muscle tissue, surgery less than 6 weeks old, and active cancer treatment.
Considerations for NCT
Pregnancy (must have received cupping prior to pregnancy), mild blood thinners, insulin pumps, hearing aids, pacemakers, and bruises.
Determination of these circumstances will be discussed during your initial visit.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) has a powerful cleansing, relaxing, pain relieving and immunological effects.
It is a gentle, flowing, rhythmic massage that is used to promote the optimal functioning of the lymphatic system.
How MLD Works
This technique uses light strokes as the lymph vessels lie just beneath the skin. Too much pressure can cause these tiny vessels to collapse, defeating the goal of moving fluid and thus explaining why lymphatic drainage massage is so gentle.
The lymphatic system plays a vital role in the body by regulating the immune system which protects the body against disease and infection. It transports nutrients to the cells and eliminates metabolic waste, toxins, bacteria, large protein molecules, foreign substances and excess fluids from the body.
Stimulating the lymphatic system through manual lymphatic drainage will activate all of the above functions encouraging a very powerful detoxification and cell regeneration.
Western culture's diet of highly processed foods and sedentary lifestyle, stress the lymphatic system with excess wastes and toxins. Coupled with this and not enough fluid intake, most of us have sluggish lymphatic systems. For this reason, anyone can benefit from lymph drainage as part of general detoxification program.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is particularly useful as a part of post-surgery therapy, to reduce oedema and fibrosis and to relieve pain and tension.
Indications For Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Pre/Post operative cases, in particular where lymph nodes have been removed, such as post cancer where the lymphatic system is impaired in some way
Post cosmetic surgery
Swollen ankles, puffy eyes and swollen legs
Scar tissue healing, torn ligaments and sprains
Compromised immunity, frequent colds and flu
Headaches and migraines
Rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia
Granular Fever, ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Helps kick-start detoxification programme
Digestive problems, IBS and constipation
Hormonal imbalance, menopause, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis and IVF
Excess weight and obesity
Stress, anxiety and tension
Helps combat the dimply appearance of cellulite as part of a healthy lifestyle change
Hay Fever and other allergies
Acne, Rosacea and other skin conditions
Dysfunctional respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis)
Before and after a long-haul flight
MLD Aftercare
Manual Lymphatic Drainage can leave you feeling very exhausted and thirsty. Give your body time to ease back into activity and increase the amount of water you drink over the next few days - the body will be in a state of high toxicity for a few days after the treatment!
Hot Stone Massage
Hot stones have been used as a therapeutic tool for massage for centuries with evidence dating back to ancient Egypt, China, Japan, South America and Australia.
Ancient civilizations believed that hot stones cleansed the body and relaxed the heart, grounding the soul and soothing the mind.
This long, luxurious treatment uses massage and natural deep heat in the form of heated basalt stones to relieve muscle tension and stimulate the body’s own detoxification processes.
What To Expect During Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage begins with placing warm, oiled stones on multiple acupressure points around your body, perhaps even tiny ones between your toes. You may drift off into a dreamy state and lose track of where the hot stones are arranged.
Hot stone massage employs a variety of strokes and techniques using the stones and hands, working over kinks in your muscles. You are unlikely to feel the intensity, since your muscles will be relaxed by the heat of the stones.
Hot stone massage should trigger a deeply relaxed, blissed-out and meditative state. Some people have reported closing their eyes and seeing bright colours. Enjoy the afterglow - float slowly back to the real world and re-hydrate your body by sipping plenty of water.
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
melts away all your knots, aches and worries
improves blood circulation and digestion
increases lymph flow and helps flush out waste
enhances sleep
increases your sense of relaxation
boosts immunity
helps you feel nurtured, pampered and special
Hot Stone Massage is a treat, so indulge as much as you can!
Hot Stone Massage is not for everybody. There are some conditions when heat is not recommended. These include:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis
Auto-immune disorders
High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
Cancer & Chemotherapy
Recent injury, trauma or surgery where nerves have been affected
Frequency & Duration
People with chronic pain or intense physical activities should consider having a course of 6-8 weekly sessions of Hot Stone Massage. Massages for relaxation and stress relief purposes can occur less often - every few weeks or once a month.
Please allow 90 min. for the treatment.
Hot Bamboo Massage
Originally from Asia and gaining popularity in the UK, this new therapy is wonderful to have if you like deep tissue work.
It will leaves you feeling relaxed and energised and with a sense that your muscles have been stretched, warmed and elongated.
What To Expect During Hot Bamboo Massage
Hot Bamboo Massage uses solid bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters to massage the body. The sticks are gently warmed and applied to give deep and long massage strokes to break down tension and stretch tight muscles. Massage lotion or oil is used with the bamboo.
Indications For Hot Bamboo Massage
This treatment especially works well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band. It is also of great benefit to anyone suffering from shortened muscles due to postural imbalances.
Hot Bamboo Massage is a unique new way to relax tight muscles and release stress and tension and improve sports performance.
If you like deep tissue work, this treatment is for you!
It's not for everybody. There are some conditions when heat is not recommended. These include:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Dermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis
Auto-immune disorders
High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
Cancer & Chemotherapy
Recent injury, trauma or surgery where nerves have been affected
Frequency & Duration
People with chronic pain or intense physical activities should consider having a course of 6-8 weekly sessions of Hot Bamboo Massage. Massages for relaxation and stress relief purposes can occur less often - every few weeks or once a month.
Please allow 90 min. for the treatment.
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage
This famous method blends lymphatic drainage techniques with myofascial release and stimulating strokes to instantly target bloating, puffiness, and water retention, producing immediate visual results.
How Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Works
The technique uses firmer and more vigorous strokes than the traditional lymphatic drainage massage to rid the body of excess fluid that tends to accumulate in the deeper tissues, thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite while accentuating body curves.
Similar to traditional lymphatic drainage, the Brazilian method will also benefit your wellbeing and deliver a boost of energy to both the body and mind, however it is primarily designed for cosmetic purposes and is perfect for aligning and exalting your curves.
*This is a full body treatment.
Benefits Of Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage
100% natural and non-invasive
contours the body and provides a slimming effect
improves the appearance of the orange peel cellulite look for smoother, more toned skin
stimulates lymphatic system and improves circulation
reduces swelling and water retention
detoxifies by drawing the toxins out of the body
relieves headaches and migraines
stimulates peristalsis and alleviates constipation
relieves bloating
results in clearer skin and more energy, etc.
Frequency & Duration
A course of 6-12 weekly treatments is recommended.
The treatment is 75 minutes long.
IMPORTANT: Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage helps achieve optimal results only when combined with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.
Brazilian Body Sculpting & Wood Therapy (Maderotherapy)
It is a powerful fusion of body contouring techniques that help targeting water retention, cellulite and compact fat in your chosen area of concern.
How Brazilian Body Sculpting & Wood Therapy Works
Combined with vigorous, fast and firm manual massage strokes, Wood Therapy employs repetitive movements using special wooden tools to manipulate targeted areas of muscle, fascia and adipose tissue.
The technique is designed to break down compact fat pockets so fat can be eliminated naturally with other toxins.
It jump starts metabolism to burn fat, thereby shrinking bulges and smoothing orange-peel dimples thus giving a body better contour.
Benefits of Brazilian Body Sculpting & Wood Therapy
100% natural and non-invasive
breaks down stubborn fat pockets & cellulite
activates lymphatic drainage and circulation
helps eliminate toxins
helps reduce fibrosis
tightens skin
*ONE area per session will be treated.
*Includes the use of smooth wooden massage tools (maderotherapy).
Frequency & Duration
A course of 6-12 weekly treatments is recommended.
The treatment is 90 minutes long.
IMPORTANT: Brazilian Body Sculpting & Wood Therapy helps achieve optimal results only when combined with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.
Anti-Cellulite Honey Massage
In this treatment, Raw Organic Honey is used as a massage medium.
How Anti-Cellulite Honey Massage Works
The stickiness of honey is the main reason to use it for massage. There's a specialised technique using honey on its own in this massage that is similar to cupping in its action. The therapist presses palms over honey applied skin and unglues it. As honey provides very little glide and lots of stickiness, therapist's palms pull up on the sticky skin, and with a vacuum effect created, the skin is lifted as well.
Every time the therapist unglues the palms, the closed skin pores get stretched and open, allowing oil, dirt and other debris to exit. As the process continues, this pumping motion considerably improves circulation in the deeper layers of the skin, warms and tonifies the skin.
Not to mention that honey is a product full of goodness by itself. The bioactive compounds of the honey enter the skin through the dilated pores. The probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins and enzymes in honey work together to nourish and plump the skin. As a result, cellular metabolism is accelerated, stagnant lymph is removed, and the skin becomes more elastic and tightened.
Frequency & Duration
A course of 6-8 weekly treatments is recommended.
The treatment is 1 hour long.
IMPORTANT: Anti-Cellulite Honey Massage helps achieve optimal results only when combined with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.
Lipo Cavitation & RF
Lipo Cavitation, also known as Ultrasound Cavitation, is a non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses scientifically proven non-invasive technology to break down unwanted fat, whilst the Radio Frequency is a non-invasive heat treatment that helps tighten, contour and refine deeper lines of the skin over the face and body.
How Lipo Cavitation & RF Works
This treatment uses two types of technology:
Ultrasound Cavitation - uses low-frequency sound waves to heat and vibrate the layer of fat cells below the skin’s surface causing pressure, which eventually causes the fat cells to liquify and release their contents to be eliminated safely by the body.
Radio Frequency – uses advanced technology that safely heats the deep layers of the skin causing collagen fibres to contract and remodel leaving skin more lifted and tightened. (Radio Frequency can be used for both the face and body)
Areas That Can Be Treated
Love Handles
Inner and Outer Thighs
Upper Arms/ Bingo Wings
Backs Rolls
There is no limit to where you can use the Lipo Cavitation & RF, but areas with larger amounts of localized fat are likely to see a better result.
How Lipo Cavitation & RF Feels
Most patient’s find the treatment to be very comfortable and trouble-free. Some clients experience warmth during the treatment and a small amount of noise discomfort, but there is no pain.
Frequency & Duration
The number of sessions depends on a patient’s age and skin condition. While you may see immediate results in the first session, it maybe necessary to have between 6 and 12 sessions for optimum results. Patients who go through a series of treatments will see an improvement each time the treatment is performed.
Treating multiple areas is not advisable as the body has to work hard to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the Lymphatic system to the liver. Follow the rule - of one area, one treatment every 72 hours and you will see rapid results.
Please allow 1 hour for the treatment.
To maintain the results it is important to follow a healthy low calorie diet and exercise regularly. It is also important to drink 8 glasses of water a day before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water your drink therefore, water is key component to eliminating the fat.
For the most part, anyone looking to reduce fat and cellulite are a good candidate for the Lipo Cavitation & RF. However, anyone with a pacemaker, cardiac or vascular disease, and women who are pregnant should not have the Lipo Cavitation & RF treatment done. If you have a medical condition, your therapist will advise you to consult your physician before your treatment.
IMPORTANT: Lipo Cavitation & RF helps achieve optimal results only when combined with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.